The Limitless Blue (Hard)

The Limitless Blue (Hard)

Level 57


The Sea of Clouds (X:19.5, Y:11.7, Z:2.2)

Bolt, Chain, and Island (MSQ)

Inspiration often finds us in surprising ways. So it was that a casual mention of skyfishing helped Cid Garlond conceive a plan to lure out Bismarck, the Lord of the Mists, by using the Enterprise to tow an island through the Sea of Clouds. After binding the beast with chains fired from dragonkillers, he hopes you can engage it in the traditional fashion. Though the plan is somewhat sound in theory, there is no telling how effective it will be in practice. Nevertheless, the engineer has seen you through many dangerous situations in the past, so at least the odds are in his favor...  


Lord of the Mists: Bismarck
